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[Built With Amiga software]


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[User Group Network]


5th November 1998: Five members were at this meeting, even though it was "Bonfire Night"... Phil showed off his home-made CDDA adaptor as featured in CU-Amiga (can also be found on the web-site with a bit of digging around.)

18th October 1998: Saw seven SWAG members spend a few hours round Ben Vost's (deputy ed, Amiga Format) place.

1st October 1998: Missed my first pub meet meet tonight :(. Five people turned up.

3rd September 1998: Well, we had one of our best meetings to date with eleven people turning up including several new faces that aren't on the 'net :-).

16th August 1998: DOH!! I forgot to upload a previous update to this page, so I thought I'd better put something up here to try and make it look as though something is going on ;-).

Admittedly, there isn't as much going on as I would like, which is in part due to the fact that I will be moving house soon and that I also have a full time job as a mechanic in a main dealership - and as you may guess, August is the busiest time of the year.

Apart from that, our August meeting was OK with 5 members turning up. Phil Edwards, our youngest memeber was there with his father, Bill.

2 July 1998:We had our 4th and most successfull meeting tonight. Eleven people turned, including Ben Vost from Amiga Format and Chris and Andy from AmigaSoc (they came all the way from London!)

10 May 1998: Well, we've had our second meeting now and I have to say it was another poor turn-out with only three members turning up. They were Mike Blake, Mark Spearing and myself...

14 April 1998: Completed the first issue of the South West Amiga Group's newsletter and created page for it on the site here.

2 April 1998: At last! We finally had our very first meeting. The only disapointing thing about it was that only three of us turned up, which is a little disheartening. Hopefully, things will pick up in the future.

24 Mar. 1998: I now have a new hard-drive, so after a couple of days re-installing & setting up, the Amiga is just about usable again :-).

7 Mar. 1998: Aaargggghhhh, the Amiga died this afternoon. This now means that I have no choice but to use the PC (yuck) to carry on with SWAG. So, if you do see something on this site to do with PC`s, please don`t flame me! ;-). ATM, it seems like it's only (?) the hard drive, hopefully it won't be that long before it's up and running again.

This also means that the mailing list is down, so please do not send any messages to listserv@wharne.d.c.u until further notice.

2 Mar. 1998: Set-up the #SWAG IRC channel on DalNet and up-loaded the #SWAG page.

25 Feb. 1998: Had conformation that SWAG is now a member of the User Group Network. Have also entered SWAG for membership into Team Amiga.

22 Feb. 1998: Carried out major re-design to the homepage.

17 Feb. 1998: Sent out second mailshot to people who replied to first...

24 Jan. 1998: Sent out first mailshot to the original people who sent their details in from Steve Dark's page.

Any comments about SWAG or life in general? If you have them, send them to me, Andy Mills at

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